1982 Prizewinners / Lauréats des Prix, 1982

(Awarded at the CMOS Annual Congress, Banff AB 1983)

President’s Prize / Prix du président

George Boer

for his outstanding contributions to climate modelling and diagnostics over many years and in particular for his paper "Diagnostics Equations in Isobaric Co-ordinates" which provides a consistent, comprehensive and coherent framework for the diagnosis of the general circulation".

Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology
Prix Andrew Thomson en météorologie appliquée

Morley K. Thomas

for his substantial contributions to applied climatology, with particular reference to his vigorous leadership and diplomacy in launching nationa l and international climate programs, and for his many papers, all highly lucid, practical, and widely quoted, illustrating the nature and value of climatology.

Prize in Applied Oceanography /

Prix en océanographie appliquée

J. Ron Wilson

for his dedication and expertise as Director of the Marine Environmental Data Service over the past decade. In particular for his central role in developing the Canadian Wave Climate Study as a highly regarded source of accurate da ta for both practical and scientific uses.

Rube Hornstein Prize in Operational Meteorology /
Prix de météorologie opérationnelle Rube Hornstein

Peter A. Haering

in recognition of his outstanding work in the application of satellite data to operational meteorology.


Ross Howard

for his book and numerous articles in the Toronto Star have contributed significantly towards public awareness of air pollution and acidic precipitation problems.

Graduate Student Prize / Prix pour étudiant diplômé

 Glen B. Lesins

for his contributions in the design end construction of a unique pressure-controlled wind tunnel for cloud physics research and his joint pUblications.

MSC Patterson Medal Winner

Svenn Orvig

for outstanding contribution to our knowledge of the climate of polar regions. Dr. Orvig is currently dean of science at McGill University, Montreal and has had a distinguished career as researcher, teacher, author, arctic explorer and university administrator. Dr. Orvig has also had a major influence on climate research in Canada and on the character and scientific standards of professional meteorology in general.

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